
tips for cool and happy dog

Summer Care Tips: How to Keep Your Dog Cool and Happy

Summer is a wonderful time for outdoor activities and adventures with your furry friend. However, the hot weather can be challenging for dogs, making it essential to ensure their safety and comfort. Here are some effective tips to keep your dog cool and happy during the summer months.

Hydration is Key:

Just like humans, dogs need plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially in the heat. Make sure your dog always has access to fresh, clean water. Consider carrying a portable water bottle and bowl during walks or outings.


Add ice cubes to their water bowl to keep it cool longer. Some dogs even enjoy playing with the ice cubes!

Avoid the Midday Heat:

The sun is strongest between 10 AM and 4 PM. Try to schedule walks and outdoor playtime in the early morning or late evening when it’s cooler. This will help prevent overheating and protect their paws from hot pavement.


Check the ground with your hand before walks. If it’s too hot for you to touch, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws.

Provide Shade and Cool Areas

Ensure your dog has access to shaded areas when outside. If your yard lacks natural shade, create it with umbrellas, tents, or canopies. Indoors, keep the environment cool with fans or air conditioning.


Cooling mats or pads are a great investment. These can be placed in your dog’s favorite resting spots to help them stay cool.

Grooming for Comfort

Regular grooming helps maintain your dog’s coat in optimal condition for heat regulation. While it’s important not to shave your dog completely (as their coat also protects them from the sun), trimming longer fur can reduce overheating risks.


Brush your dog regularly to remove excess fur and prevent matting, which can trap heat.

Watch for Signs of Overheating

Dogs can overheat quickly, so it’s crucial to know the signs. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, vomiting, and uncoordinated movements. If you notice any of these signs, move your dog to a cooler area immediately and offer water.


In severe cases, wet your dog with cool (not cold) water and contact your veterinarian right away.

Fun with Water

Many dogs love playing in water, and it’s an excellent way to cool them down. Set up a kiddie pool in the yard or take your dog to a dog-friendly beach or lake. Always supervise them around water to ensure safety.


For dogs that aren’t fond of swimming, a gentle hose down or playing with sprinklers can be just as refreshing.

Frozen Treats

Treat your dog to homemade frozen snacks. You can freeze their favorite treats or create popsicles using dog-safe ingredients like yogurt, peanut butter, and fruit.

Recipe Idea:

Blend yogurt, peanut butter, and a banana. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze for a tasty, cooling treat.

Limit Intense Exercise

While exercise is important, high-intensity activities should be limited during hot weather. Opt for gentle walks and interactive indoor games to keep your dog active without risking heatstroke.


Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys are great for mental stimulation indoors.

Protect Against Sunburn

Dogs can get sunburned, especially those with short or light-colored coats. Apply pet-safe sunscreen to vulnerable areas like the nose, ears, and belly. Avoid human sunscreens as they can contain harmful ingredients.


Provide lightweight clothing or sun shirts for dogs prone to sunburn.

Regular Vet Check-ups

Summer brings specific health risks such as ticks, fleas, and heartworm. Ensure your dog is up-to-date with vaccinations and preventive treatments. Regular vet visits can help catch any health issues early.


Check your dog’s skin and fur regularly for parasites and consult your vet for the best prevention methods.


Summer can be a delightful time for you and your dog with the right precautions. By keeping your dog hydrated, providing shade, and monitoring for signs of overheating, you can ensure they stay cool and comfortable. Enjoy the sunny days and make lasting memories with your happy, healthy pup!