Reasons Why Your Dog Is Sleeping a Lot More Than Usual

Reasons Why Your Dog Is Sleeping a Lot More Than Usual

Are you thinking your dog is the laziest canine on earth because it sleeps a lot and about ten hours in the whole day? Let me shock you with this. Your dog is probably getting bad sleep. Most normal dogs should sleep even more than that. The average sleep time for a dog is around twelve hours and above it a day – except if the dog is employed as some police dog or for sport, then it can sleep less.

But if your dog used to be very lively and has only changed recently, then there may be something wrong with it, and you should find out the reason why.

There are many possible reasons for this sudden change in habit. The problem can range from stress to more severe problems. It’s crucial to know the signs of possible causes and be able to realize when you should visit the vet.

Here’s an infographic that you need to know about a dog’s sleeping habits and when to worry about them.

The reasons why your dog is sleeping a lot may be due to the following:


1. Age of the Dog

Dogs may sleep for more than 12 hours a day, usually 12- 14 hours of daily sleep. Large dog breeds, Old dogs, and Puppies need more sleep, and puppies may sleep up to 18 hours a day, and all this is completely fine.

Generally, dogs would sleep the most when they are puppies, and when they are old. Puppies around 4 months up to a year old are only playful, and very active when awake. The puppies’ activities make them become easily exhausted and this may be the reason.

2. Breed of Dog

The breed of a dog determines its size, activities, and also how quickly it gets old. All of these factors can affect the dog’s requirement for sleep. A smaller dog breed usually takes longer to reach old age and requires less sleep.

3. Stress, Anxiety, and Boredom

A dog that is going through psychological difficulties such as anxiety, stress, and boredom would sleep a lot. If your dog is stressed or feeling anxious, you will notice them becoming lethargic and they will doze off often. Helping the dog by giving it a routine with activities can stimulate and enhance its mental and physical condition.

4. Activity Level

A dog that is going through psychological difficulties such as anxiety, stress, and boredom would sleep a lot. If your dog is stressed or feeling anxious, you will notice them becoming lethargic and they will doze off often. Helping the dog by giving it a routine with activities can stimulate and enhance it’s a mental and physical condition.

5. Thyroxine Deficiency

This is also called hypothyroidism. The under-secretion of thyroxine normally reduces chemical processes occurring within the cells of the body, especially those related to metabolism, consequently, the dog looks unhealthy. Older dogs are prone to hypothyroidism, in rare cases can be found in younger dogs too.

6. Diabetes

The inability of the body to produce insulin in the amount needed by the body can affect the dog greatly due to the risk of hyperglycemia. Certain breeds are more prone to diabetes than others.


Regardless of your dog’s sleeping routine, you can always organize your dog’s daily activities to a routine that you feel is best for them. Your dogs may take some time, but will definitely adjust to the new routine. Also, always go to the veterinary first when you notice a sudden change in the behavior of your dog before making assumptions.



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