Reasons Why Your Dog Is Sleeping a Lot More Than Usual
Are you thinking your dog is the laziest canine on earth because it sleeps a lot and about ten hours in the whole day? Let me shock you with this. Your dog is probably getting bad sleep. Most normal dogs should sleep even more than that. The average sleep time for a dog is around twelve hours and above it a day – except if the dog is employed as some police dog or for sport, then it can sleep less.
But if your dog used to be very lively and has only changed recently, then there may be something wrong with it, and you should find out the reason why.
There are many possible reasons for this sudden change in habit. The problem can range from stress to more severe problems. It’s crucial to know the signs of possible causes and be able to realize when you should visit the vet.
Here’s an infographic that you need to know about a dog’s sleeping habits and when to worry about them.
The reasons why your dog is sleeping a lot may be due to the following:
1. Age of the Dog
Dogs may sleep for more than 12 hours a day, usually 12- 14 hours of daily sleep. Large dog breeds, Old dogs, and Puppies need more sleep, and puppies may sleep up to 18 hours a day, and all this is completely fine.
Generally, dogs would sleep the most when they are puppies, and when they are old. Puppies around 4 months up to a year old are only playful, and very active when awake. The puppies’ activities make them become easily exhausted and this may be the reason.
2. Breed of Dog
The breed of a dog determines its size, activities, and also how quickly it gets old. All of these factors can affect the dog’s requirement for sleep. A smaller dog breed usually takes longer to reach old age and requires less sleep.
3. Stress, Anxiety, and Boredom
A dog that is going through psychological difficulties such as anxiety, stress, and boredom would sleep a lot. If your dog is stressed or feeling anxious, you will notice them becoming lethargic and they will doze off often. Helping the dog by giving it a routine with activities can stimulate and enhance its mental and physical condition.
4. Activity Level
A dog that is going through psychological difficulties such as anxiety, stress, and boredom would sleep a lot. If your dog is stressed or feeling anxious, you will notice them becoming lethargic and they will doze off often. Helping the dog by giving it a routine with activities can stimulate and enhance it’s a mental and physical condition.
5. Thyroxine Deficiency
This is also called hypothyroidism. The under-secretion of thyroxine normally reduces chemical processes occurring within the cells of the body, especially those related to metabolism, consequently, the dog looks unhealthy. Older dogs are prone to hypothyroidism, in rare cases can be found in younger dogs too.
6. Diabetes
The inability of the body to produce insulin in the amount needed by the body can affect the dog greatly due to the risk of hyperglycemia. Certain breeds are more prone to diabetes than others.
Regardless of your dog’s sleeping routine, you can always organize your dog’s daily activities to a routine that you feel is best for them. Your dogs may take some time, but will definitely adjust to the new routine. Also, always go to the veterinary first when you notice a sudden change in the behavior of your dog before making assumptions.
Common Dog Behavior Problems and Solutions
If your pet was providing you deaf ears and not following your commands, we have listed few reasons that direct to such behaviour. Suppose you don’t have time to make your dog learn basics or your pooches have crossed all limits in showing unusual behaviour, then it’s time to go pet boarding, which will provide extra assistance to your dogs and you.
Why Don’t Your Pooches Listen to Your Commands?
Instead of imposing and providing instructions to your dogs repeatedly, take a few steps back and replicate on considering the following situations, which are a few well-known issues faced when training dogs.
1. Health Problems
If your pups don’t follow your instructions, they might be feeling sick or uncomfortable. Suppose your dog was obedient but now not following your voice; you must consult with a doctor about his health issues. Sloppy sits or reluctance in lying down are a few indications of orthopaedic problems.
2. Less Treats
It isn’t easy to debunk the fable because puppies have pleased us. Like opportunists, dogs were wondering what is available inside the treat box. The correct use of treats can create the difference between a dog excited to work for you and never deserving less caring.
3. Decreased Rewards
In the initial training, you must understand that there are a lot of distractions around you. Dogs may also discover sniffing the grass, looking for something, marking a few places, and pulling on the leash more decorative than training. It is because some stimuli are sensing extra charm and interest in doing things like this. Divert their attention with something more interesting like rewards.
4. A lot of Pressure
It may be hard to teach them some new behaviour in a single evening. When your dogs stop working for you, you will be thinking, “Am I asking for the right favour or not?” Truth in many instances explains that puppies can’t listen to your commands because these instructions are complicated for them to follow. Never try to resolve the problem quickly but let your puppies start practising your voice to understand.
5. Incorrect Training
Suppose the dog trainer has a record of being inconsistent, and no longer your pups following dogs, there is a worry for your dogs to discover disobeying behaviours. An unprofessional trainer can cause such an issue, so you must choose the correct one for yourself.
6. Confusion in Understanding
Dogs focus on inconsistency, and you must use the exact instructions followed by other trainers while training other pups. If you use any education, but your dog stares at you, then you must consider the command used was consistently in use or not.
Various causes for dog behaviour that you won’t know is too hot, too windy, no mood to follow, and many possibilities may be there. A distracted dog may indeed require relieving himself somewhere else and not in front of dog parents. Pet Daycare Spring can be your dog’s first training place.
Dog Boarding Tips to Enjoy a Hassle-Free Travel
Are you a pet owner, and you are restricted to go out of your home because of your pet, and you are finding a dog boarding for your lovely friend? So Family Pet is here to help you out. It is well said that dogs speak, but only those who know how to listen can hear them out, and our professional workers are blessed with this quality.
Travelling has become a widespread activity. Travel has become an integral part of our lives. Many people travel to enjoy themselves, and others travel to work. But packing your bags is always a stressful job. Worrying about the accommodation for your dog can make things even more stressful. Therefore you should plan the items to avoid any confusion and wastage of money.
We all purchase flight tickets a long time before unless it is an emergency as it can save us a lot of cash, which you can use for boarding your dog. Staying away from your dog is stressful, especially when you have to board them to some other place. Therefore you require to make a wise decision before choosing a boarding hotel for your little furry friend.
A short guide to help you plan a stress-free and enjoyable journey is given below. You can follow these must-do things for your friend to make him feel at home without you and make your travel a delightful experience.
Verify Your Dog’s Boarding Reservation Early
It will help if you plan where you want your dog to get boarding services as soon as you confirm your travel plan. Registering with an appropriate boarding hotel can give you an edge to control your panicking situations. You can register online to get the required service and set the date of boarding as per your convenience, which can be a day before the travel or the day when you set off on your journey.
Getting a confirmation mail in time is also essential. It becomes a crucial part of planning when you are travelling at peak holiday times such as Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other festival when there is a shortage of boarding places.
If you want your dog to get and I’m using experience when you are away, you must consider coming to our dog kennel at Family Pet where the workers treat your dog as their own and give the best possible care.
Substantiate your Dog’s Accommodation a week before
It’s always better to double-check and reassure all bookings a week before because any problem at the last moment can spoil the whole mood. So it’s virtuous to check that everything is up to the mark. One must also make sure of the flight timings and check for the boarding facility with your dog. As bad weather or any circumstance can delay the flight.
It is essential to make sure your dog’s feedings and food schedule are discussed, and all other types of facilities are discussed beforehand to avoid any inconvenience. It’s imperative to discuss the medication schedule while travelling, and exchanging numbers is essential for emergency reach.
This check-in will surely provide facilities to improve the schedule according to your and your dog’s comforts. We at Family Pet offer the opportunity to have a fantastic vacation with your furry friend.
In our boarding, we take care of them as our pets. Every dog loves to come here again and again. To book your appointment, contact our customer care service number and book your appointment. Go where you want to go without any tension for your pet and enjoy exploring.